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Commentator: Audio Descriptive Commentary Should “100%” Be Done by All



Audio Descriptive Commentary

One audio descriptive commentator has called for all clubs to have their own services for visually impaired fans.

Tom Kelsey, 27, a boyhood Lincoln City fan, has now provided audio descriptive commentary (ADC) for three consecutive seasons at the club’s home games. He has said, in an interview with The Deck, that all clubs should “100%” do it. 

Mr. Kelsey, who is also a Football Manager content creator and YouTuber, believes football governing bodies should lead the way.

What Has Tom Kelsey Said?

In an interview with reporter Jamie Johnson, he said: “I think it’s such an important part of the club’s community, it’s a really important part of the fanbase. If people feel like they can’t go to games, I think club’s are failing fans, so it’s great that Lincoln offer it.

“I think a lot of clubs are getting wise to it, and more and more each season are doing it, but maybe not to the level that we do it.”

He called on the top level of football governance in the country, the Football Association (FA) and English Football League (EFL), to state that all club’s should provide an ADC service to fans.

He added: “I think there does need to be, at a very top level, a blanket thing saying all clubs should provide a service like this. It’s all about being accessible, there’s a lot of accessibility laws that clubs have to abide by, so this should just be part of that.

“It’s not the most expensive thing for clubs to do at all, and it’s such an important service for a lot of fans.”

What is Audio Descriptive Commentary?

Audio descriptive commentary (ADC) is in-depth commentary for fans in the stadium who have visual impairments or learning difficulties, and would otherwise struggle to follow a game. 

As Mr. Kelsey explained in a recent interview with The Deck reporter Jamie Johnson, rather than TV commentary, which leaves long pauses between thoughts, or radio commentary, which can focus on tactical elements, ADC is purely focused on the whereabouts of the ball at all times. 

Lincoln City is just one of the EFL clubs that provide the service to both home and away fans at their ground. 

An Important Service – Opinion:

As someone who sits in the press box at the LNER Stadium, I can see the hard work that goes into audio descriptive commentary. Tom, and his colleagues, provide an invaluable service at Lincoln City games, helping fans who would otherwise struggle to follow a game of football.

And that’s the important thing. It’s allowing more people to enjoy the beautiful game in its entirety, despite any barriers that may be in the way.

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I am a journalist covering sport in South Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire, and Lincoln. Sports Editor for The Linc. I'm also a freelance writer and podcaster, currently at The Deck, Voices of Wrestling and Wrestle Inn. By-lines for Lincolnshire Live and Thorne Times.

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