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Latest Doctor Who Episode Confirms The Return Of [Spoilers!]



Doctor Who

Doctor Who Season One Episode Seven dropped at midnight last night on BBC iPlayer and Disney+ worldwide as the first part of the two part finale confirmed the return of [Spoilers Ahead].

The Legend of Ruby Sunday leans heavily into the ongoing mysteries that have been littered throughout the episodes to date as well as the 60th anniversary specials. It explores who Ruby Sunday’s birth parents were, what were the noises the TARDIS was making as well as who Susan Twist could be playing.

The birth parents

Whilst during the episode we do not find out the identity of the mysterious woman on Ruby Road, the Doctor and Ruby explore the sequence of events with the help of UNIT. They use a ‘time window’ and an old VHS tape to peer into the past. Events do not go to plan as the memory changes, revealing a large glowing red mass that is later revealed to have the TARDIS at the centre.

As well as this rather interestingly the camera footage from the episode is exactly 73 yards away. One of the previous episodes was titled 73 Yards and saw the older version of Ruby Sunday always stood that exact distance away from Ruby throughout an alternate life. Just like the woman from the episode no one is able to see the woman on Ruby Road’s face or any detail.

Mrs Flood

Mrs Flood has been the subject of intense speculation, with her recognition of the TARDIS and her frequent fourth wall breaks. In the episode she agrees to look after the superb Cherry Sunday. Whilst the latter asks for a cup of tea, Mrs Flood looks into the distance, again breaking the fourth wall and predicting a storm.

Susan Twist (Triad), The Big Return And The TARDIS Noises

Throughout the series and the previous specials the TARDIS has been making strange noises. In this episode it is revealed through the time window and later UNIT scans to be a large beast that has been wrapped around and engrained into the very fabric of the TARDIS belonging to returning villain Sutekh. The god was first seen in the Fourth Doctor adventure Pyramids of Mars that saw the god waiting to be released to “bring his gift of death to all who live”.
Sutekh was revealed to be part of the Pantheon of Gods that also contains the Toymaker, Maestro and Sarah Jane Adventures protagonist The Trickster. Described as the “god of gods” in the episode he uses his ‘Harbinger’ in the form of Harriet Arbinger a new UNIT worker to bring word of his coming. Just as Maestro did in the Devil’s Chord. Susan Twist’s character Susan Triad also transformed before killing a member of her staff.

What this means for the Doctor and Ruby’s past remains to be seen.

Latest Doctor Who Episode Confirms The Return Of [Spoilers!] - The Deck - Doctor Who, Entertainment, TV News

The Red Herrings

Russell T Davies clearly had a lot of fun writing this season, as well as writing in the vital plot points he also wrote in several red herrings to trip up fans sure of the finale’s secrets. Firstly the inclusion of S TRIAD technology, an obvious anagram of TARDIS, that even trips up the Doctor and UNIT in the episode, that is revealed to be a trap for the timelord pulling him in. Secondly the reveal of the mysterious woman’s name, being Susan, which is the same name his granddaughter shares in the first Doctor’s era. However, it is revealed that this is the wrong reveal. Infact Susan Triad Technologies shortens to Sutekh.
Whilst these could be revealed to be something in the final episode for now at least it appears to be nothing more than a red herring.


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Ryan Whelan began writing in 2020 following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. He began freelancing for several major nationwide outlets winning several local awards before making the decision to go it alone in 2022. He linked up with The Real EFL becoming a co-owner and growing the website into one of the fastest-growing sports news brands in the world achieving close to two million views in May 2023. In October 2023 he left to set up Look Sports Media, which later became The Deck incorporating Sports, Gaming and Entertainment Current Owner Of Whelan Journalism Ltd A lifelong Lincoln City fan and an avid gamer and film fan. Ryan lives in Aberdeen with his two young children Charlie and Jacob.

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